The L.I.F.T Approach

"It's ... really helpful to not just have a conductor/clinician come in and work with the choir, but to have singers run a sectional with them and teach them what it's like to sing [their] part."
—Kenny Wiser, Provo High School

We spread our passion for choral music and our distinctive technique through The L.I.F.T., our core educational offering for college, high school, and community ensembles. We provide three types of engagement with our music director and professional singers:

  • Clinics and Workshops

  • Side-by-Side Concerts

  • Masterclasses

What is The L.I.F.T. Approach? There are four fundamental paradoxes that serve as the foundation of all our singing. The order of these paradoxes is sequential and significant. Our research shows that larger ensemble singing is elevated when incorporating these one-per-part, consort singing principles:

  • L - Linear, yet vertical

  • I - Individual, yet collaborative

  • F - Full, yet conscious

  • T - Technical, yet emotive

"The [L.I.F.T.] clinic with my Chamber Singers was very effective! I feel my students were engaged and captivated by being able to work in smaller groups with experienced singers, and they continue to talk about the concepts that we learned even several weeks after our clinic. Through the clinic, my students also gained a greater appreciation for music from the Renaissance and they have a much better approach in learning and performing it after working with SOA."
—Andrew Howden, Herriman High School

How can we assist in giving your ensemble a L.I.F.T.?